Financial Services » Banking » Banking in the Netherlands | Netherlands: total FDIs in banking and insurance, by region 2004-2016

Total FDIs in banking and insurance to the Netherlands 2004-2016, by region

Total foreign direct investments (FDIs) in banking and insurance to the Netherlands from 2004 to 2016, by region (Figures expressed in millions of euros)

The data displays the total foreign direct investments (FDIs) in banking and insurance to the Netherlands from 2004 to 2016, by region (in million euro). A foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment made by a company or individual in one country in business interests in another country, in the form of either establishing business operations or acquiring business assets in the other country, such as ownership or controlling interest in a foreign company. In 2016, the U.S. invested 638 billion euro in banks and insurance companies in the Netherlands.

2016 1700302 204009 98840 638002 70949 714877
2015 1625358 171075 95043 706631 50170 676778
2014 1640088 139150 98142 656462 41979 524076
2013 1562110 147093 248018 592677 45209 490560
2012 1473808 125873 85723 574632 48243 445360
2011 1340038 111669 65940 631911 46454 393491
2010 252695 19136 13591 77169 7369 31580
2009 256155 28666 14675 70117 7572 27194
2008 244408 23209 15063 158362 4979 22926
2007 275260 11371 7519 164995 2190 10489
2006 176397 12722 5211 22878 2140 14857
2005 149429 6330 8533 15645 1613 12901
2004 142890 4158 5585 18470 1831 7198