Residential real estate in the Benelux

Residential real estate in the Benelux statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Residential real estate in the Benelux"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Residential real estate in the Benelux industries. Find the most relevant Residential real estate in the Benelux statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Netherlands: average rent increase in 2017, by type of rental
Netherlands: value build permits existing residential real estate, by province 2010-2016
Netherlands: real estate transactions forecast change in the Netherlands 2017-2019
Netherlands: housing prices change 2016-2018
Netherlands: average construction costs per cubic meter by type of ownership 2006-2016
Netherlands: average mortgage debt for households with an own house 2006-2015
Netherlands: quarterly number of mortgages sold 2015-2018
Netherlands: mortgage debt 1995-2017
Netherlands: issued building permits, by type of housing 2006-2016
Netherlands: average rent in the four largest cities 2010-2018
Netherlands: dwelling purchase price change in the Netherlands 2016-2018
Netherlands: housing prices change in the four largest municipalities 2013-2017
Netherlands: share of mortgage applicants, by position in the housing market 2012-2017
Netherlands: average build costs per house by type of ownership 2006-2016
Netherlands: interest rate for outstanding mortgages 2006-2016
Netherlands: number of bankruptcies of real estate companies 2016-2017
Netherlands: share of tenants among the total population 2006-2015
Netherlands: number of building permits existing real estate, by type of housing 2006-2016
Netherlands: total volume of new mortgages 2006-2016
Netherlands: rent price residential property 2010-2018
Netherlands: number of active companies in the construction industry 2007-2016
EU-28: average residential square meter prices, per country 2018
Netherlands: average number of months a house is for sale in the largest cities 2017
Cities ranked in existing real estate investment 2014-2018
Netherlands: average residential property selling price 1995-2017
Netherlands: channels used to close a mortgage, by channel 2010-2017
Netherlands: average WOZ value and average selling price houses 1997-2017
Netherlands: total value building permits, by type of housing 2006-2016
Netherlands: annual growth of residential property 2007-2017
Netherlands: number of dissolutions of real estate companies 2016-2017
Netherlands: average purchase price of dwellings 2016-2018
Netherlands: quarterly interest rate for new mortgages 2016-2018
Netherlands: mortgage value forecast change in the Netherlands 2016-2019
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands: Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) 2017-2018
Netherlands: average price of single-family homes, by province 2018
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands: house price index in real terms (RHPI) 2010-2018
Netherlands: value build permits existing real estate Netherlands by type of housing 2006-2016
Belgium and Netherlands: annual rental yield of dwellings in selected cities 2016
Netherlands: total number of houses sold, by province 1995-2017
Netherlands: housing rent change largest municipalities in the Netherlands 2015-2018
Netherlands: total value of dwelling purchase prices 2016-2018
Netherlands: input price index of building costs of new dwellings 2017-2018
Belgium and Netherlands: share of households living in a rent dwelling 2016
Netherlands: number of new companies in real estate 2016-2017
Netherlands: consumer confidence compared to Europe 2016-2018
Belgium and Netherlands: dwelling prices in selected cities compared to country average 2016
Netherlands: average housing rent change 2015-2018
Netherlands: new building permits issued, by type of property 2006-2016
Netherlands: residential real estate investments forecast change 2016-2019
Belgium and Netherlands: average price of dwellings in selected cities 2016
Netherlands: interest rate for new mortgages 2006-2016
Netherlands: number of mortgages sold 2007-2017
Netherlands: leading mortgage providers, by market share 2018
Belgium and Netherlands: average rent of dwellings in selected cities 2016