Interesting statistics from the category "IKEA"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the IKEA industries. Find the most relevant IKEA statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Sales per store of the leading home goods retailers U.S., 2017
Number of employees of the IKEA Group worldwide 2010-2015, by region
Number of visits to IKEA stores worldwide 2010-2017
Number of stores of the IKEA Group worldwide 2016, by region
Number of visits to IKEA.com worldwide 2010-2017
Quantity of furniture U.S. homeowners bought from IKEA in the last decade by income 2016
Leading 5 purchasing countries of IKEA products 2012-2016
IKEA: revenue 2017
Quantity of furniture U.S. homeowners bought from IKEA in the last decade by age 2016
Brand value of the most valuable brands of Continental Europe 2017
Gross profit of IKEA worldwide 2009-2017
Gross income of IKEA worldwide 2009-2017
Sales share per region of IKEA 2010-2017
Leading 5 selling countries of IKEA products 2017
Leading home goods retailers based on sales U.S., 2017
Quantity of furniture U.S. homeowners bought from IKEA in the last decade 2016
Number of stores of leading home goods retailers in the U.S. 2017
IKEA Foundation Soft Toys campaign donations worldwide 2003-2015
U.S. furniture retail sales 2015-2020, by category
Opinion of U.S. homeowners on the quantity of IKEA furniture owned 2016
Opinion of U.S. homeowners on the quantity of IKEA furniture owned by income 2016
Sales of the leading 25 furniture and bedding retailers U.S. 2016
IKEA Foundation: annual donations worldwide 2010-2015
Opinion of U.S. homeowners on the quantity of IKEA furniture owned by age 2016
Number of employees of the IKEA Group worldwide 2017, by function
Most valuable retail brands worldwide 2017
Number of IKEA catalogs printed per year worldwide 2016