Household assets in Europe

Household assets in Europe statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Household assets in Europe"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Household assets in Europe industries. Find the most relevant Household assets in Europe statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Gross private financial assets per capita in selected countries worldwide133 010133 0108 4108 410128 510128 51016 01016 01078 84078 84070 35070 3501 4201 4201 2601 26070 13070 130118 950118 950AustraliaBrazilCanadaChinaFranceGermanyIndiaIndonesiaItalyJapan010k20k30k40k50k60k70k80k90k100k110k120k130k140k
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Net private financial assets per capita in selected countries worldwide67 39067 3904 9804 98087 58087 58012 77012 77056 04056 04049 76049 7601 2601 26072072054 53054 53096 89096 890AustraliaBrazilCanadaChinaFranceGermanyIndiaIndonesiaItalyJapan05k10k15k20k25k30k35k40k45k50k55k60k65k70k75k80k85k90k95k100k10…105k
Financial worth of households per capita Germany 2000-2016
Financial worth of households per capita Italy 2000-2016
Financial worth of households per capita France 2000-2016
Shares & equities - household assets Italy 1996-2016
Net private financial assets per capita by country 2016
Value of dwellings of households per capita France 1996-2016
Financial situation of consumers over the last months in Ireland | EU-28 Statistic
Financial net worth per capita of households 2000-2016
Mutual funds shares - household assets France 1996-2016
Currency & deposits share of household assets UK 2000-2016
Mutual funds shares - household assets Italy 1996-2016
Wealth value per adult in Europe 2010-2017
Financial worth of households per capita Spain 2000-2016
Currency and deposits - household assets by country Europe 2015
Shares & equities - percentage of household assets UK 2000-2015
Mutual funds shares - household assets Spain 1996-2016
Financial situation of consumers over last months | EU-28 Statistic
Shares and equities - household assets by country Europe 2015
Financial situation of consumers over the last months in Germany | EU-28 Statistic
Currency & deposits - household assets France 1996-2016
Mutual funds shares as part of household assets UK 2000-2015
Value of dwellings of households per capita Italy 1996-2016
Value of dwellings of households per capita Germany 1996-2015
Mutual funds shares - household assets Germany 1996-2016
Value of dwellings per capita as household assets Europe 2015-2016
Mutual funds shares - household assets by country Europe 2015
Belgium: appraisal of actual financial situation of households 2017-2018
Financial worth of households per capita Ireland 2001-2016
Currency & deposits - household assets Italy 1996-2016
Currency & deposits - household assets Germany 1996-2016
Shares & equities - household assets Ireland 2001-2016
Gross private financial assets per capita by country 2016
Shares & equities - household assets Germany 1996-2016
Value of dwellings of households per capita Austria 1996-2016
Shares & equities share of household assets Spain 2000-2016
Financial situation of consumers over the last months in the United Kingdom | EU-28 Statistic
Financial situation of consumers over the last months in France | EU-28 Statistic
Currency & deposits - household assets Spain 1996-2016