First-time home buying UK

Interesting statistics from the category "First-time home buying UK"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the First-time home buying UK industries. Find the most relevant First-time home buying UK statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

First time buyers mortgage by region 2018
Mortgage obtention perceived difficulty (parents) 2015
Average age first time home buyers England 2006-2017
First time buyers in the United Kingdom 2005-2017
Social renters expectations to buy England 2006/07-2015/16
Help to Buy scheme: mortgage completions by property 2013-2017
Dwellings: simple average house price by buyer type UK 2000-2017
First time buyers deposit by region 2015-2017
Help to Buy mortgage guarantee scheme: completions 2014-2017
Average monthly home buying and renting costs in UK 2009-2017
Bonuses and property completions by age group 2015-2018
Number of first time homebuyers by country 2016
Annual savings for first time buyers buying vs renting 2017
Average house price by country 2007-2017
First time buyers house price by region 2015-2017
Average monthly home buying costs 2008-2017
Average monthly savings for first time buyers 2017
Mortgage obtention perceived difficulty 2011-2015
Private renters expectations to buy England 2006/07-2015/16
First time buyers deposit share by region 2015 & 2017
Non-owners' concern with being able to buy a home UK 2015
Help to Buy scheme: guarantees value UK 2015-2017
Home finance complaints distribution in the UK H1 2017
Average monthly costs of buying a home by region 2017
British first time home buyers - average age in 2011-2017
Reasons why buyers delay mortgage applications UK 2011-2015
Complaints against home financing providers in the UK 2017
Help to Buy guarantee scheme: mortgage value UK 2015-2017
First time homebuyers in England by gender 2015/2016
Help to Buy scheme: applicant income UK 2013-2017