Medical Technology

Interesting statistics from the category "Medical Technology"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Medical Technology industries. Find the most relevant Medical Technology statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Top smaller medtech companies by market cap growth 2017
Hospital and physician costs for hip replacement in selected countries 2015
MRI units density by country 2016
Medtech IPOs before and after the financial crisis 2005-2017
Medtech IPOs based on proceeds 2016-2017
Average price MRI in selected countries 2015
Top medtech companies by market cap growth 2017
Medtech M&A deal number globally 2007-2017
Medtech M&A deals value globally 2007-2017
Magnetic resonance examinations by country 2015
Medtech venture capital investment U.S. and Europe 2016/2017
Hospital and physician costs bypass surgery in selected countries 2015
J&J medical devices and diagnostics revenue by franchise 2011-2017
Medtronic total revenue 2006-2018
Diagnostic imaging market share top medtech companies 2016 and 2022
Global total medtech growth per year 2010-2022
Global medtech research and development spending 2009-2022
Cardiology medtech market share of top companies 2016-2022
Ophthalmic medtech market share by top companies 2016 and 2022
Global medtech R&D spending medtech revenue share 2009-2022
General Electric Healthcare segment revenue 2008-2017
in vitro diagnostics market share top global companies 2016-2022
Knee replacements number OECD countries 2015
Global total medtech revenue 2009-2022
Projected top medical technology companies by revenue 2022
Number of CT examinations in selected countries 2015
Fresenius revenue worldwide 2008-2017
Top medtech companies worldwide by revenue 2013-2015
Orthopedic medtech global market share by top companies 2016 and 2022
Medtech top M&As based on value 2016-2017
Medtech R&D spending as revenue share top companies 2016 and 2022
Global medtech R&D spending growth rate 2010-2022
Top medtech segments global market share 2016 and 2022