Hospitals in the United Kingdom

Interesting statistics from the category "Hospitals in the United Kingdom"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Hospitals in the United Kingdom industries. Find the most relevant Hospitals in the United Kingdom statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Share of place of maternity in National Health Service hospital in England16.816.845.845.80038.338.314.914.9UnknownConsultant WardGP wardConsultant/Midwife/GP wardMidwife/Other ward01020304050
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Number of patients treated and discharged on emergency scene in England1 7701 7701 9231 9231 9141 9141 9591 9592011-122012-132013-142014-1505001000150020002500
Mental illness inpatients resident by length of stay 2018
Length of stay in learning disability hospital 2009-2015
Category A emergency calls: ambulance response within 8 minutes
Northern Ireland: learning disability hospital admissions | 2009-2015
Number of maternal deliveries in hospitals by age 2016/17
Mental illness inpatients resident 2010-2018
Old-age psychiatry outpatients 2009-2015
Old-age psychiatry admissions 2009-2015
England: postnatal length of stay in hospitals | 2016/17
Emergency incidents: ambulance response in 19 minutes
Category A emergency calls: ambulance response 2011-2015
Inpatients in old-age psychiatric hospitals 2014/15
England: category A calls resulting in an emergency response | 2011-2015
England: emergency calls presented to switchboard | 2011-2015
Learning disability inpatients 2010-2018
Emergency incidents: ambulance response in 19 minutes, by region
Method of childbirth delivery in England 2016/17
England: incidents requiring an ambulance, by region
Northern Ireland: mental health admissions | 2009-2018
Learning disability outpatients 2016-2018
Mental Health Order admissions by age in 2018
Casualty department attendance by gender in Wales 2015
Length of stay in old-age psychiatric hospitals 2009-2015
Northern Ireland: learning disability inpatients | 2009-2015
Learning disability inpatients by length of stay 2018
A&E: Emergency room attendance by age 2017
Learning disability admissions by age 2018
Hospital inpatients by gender in Wales 2015
Northern Ireland: length of stay in mental health hospitals | 2009-2018
Category A emergency calls: response in 8 minutes
Mental health order admissions 2009-2018
Inpatients in hospital by gender/age in Wales 2015
Outpatient department attendance by gender in Wales 2008-2015
Category A emergency calls: ambulance response within 19 minutes
England: detentions on admission to hospital | 2009-2016
Northern Ireland: learning disability admissions | 2009-2018
England: emergency calls that receive a telephone response
Northern Ireland: outpatients in mental health hospitals | 2015-2018
Emergency incidents: patients treated on scene 2011-2015
Maternities in NHS hospitals 2005-2017
England: average ambulance calls presented to switchboard
Emergency calls: face to face emergency response
Person conducting childbirth delivery in England 2016/17
Place of maternity in hospital in England 2016/17
Northern Ireland: inpatients in mental health hospitals | 2009-2018
A&E: emergency room attendance by gender 2012-2017
Day patients by gender and age in Wales 2015
Hospital attendance by gender and age in Wales 2015
Learning disability inpatients by age 2018
England: emergency response calls, by call category | 2011-2015
Antenatal length of stay in hospitals 2016/17
Mental illness inpatients resident 2018