Latin America

Latin America statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Latin America"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Latin America industries. Find the most relevant Latin America statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Puerto Rico - Unemployment rate 2017
Latin America - Employment by economic sector
Peru - gross domestic product (GDP) from 2012 to 2022
Latin America and the Caribbean - External debt in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2013
Dominican Republic - total population 2012-2022
Dominican Republic - inflation rate 2012-2022
Urban population living in slums, by region 2000-2014
Dominican Republic - gross domestic product (GDP) 2012-2022
Dominican Republic - trade balance 2007-2017
Travel & tourism: direct contribution by region 2016
Paraguay - total population 2012-2022
El Salvador - Total population 2012-2022
Latin America & Caribbean - age distribution 2007-2017
Venezuela - national debt 2012-2022
Latin America & Caribbean - fertility rate 2006-2016
Venezuela - Unemployment rate 2017
Latin America & Caribbean - Total population 2017
Peru - trade balance from 2007 to 2017
Uruguay - trade balance 2017
Panama - trade balance 2007-2017
Latin America & Caribbean - urbanization 2007-2017
Latin America and the Caribbean - gross domestic product 2012-2022
Uruguay - unemployment rate 2017
Peru - unemployment rate from 2007 to 2017
Employment to population ratio, by region 1991-2015
Paraguay - gross domestic product (GDP) 2012-2022
Uruguay - total population 2012-2022
El Salvador - national debt 2012-2022
Latin America and the Caribbean - inflation rate 2012-2022
El Salvador - trade balance 2007-2017
Uruguay - inflation rate 2022
Venezuela - Inflation rate 2022
Latin America & Caribbean - life expectancy at birth 2006-2016
Puerto Rico - total population 2012-2022
Puerto Rico- Trade balance 2016
Illiteracy rates by world region 2015
Paraguay - National debt 2012-2022
Dominican Republic - national debt 2022
El Salvador - Inflation rate 2012-2022
Life expectancy in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2018
Dominican Republic - unemployment rate 2007-2017
Latin America & Caribbean - death rate 2006-2016
Uruguay - gross domestic product (GDP) 2022
Paraguay - inflation rate 2012-2022
Panama - national debt 2012-2022
Panama - unemployment rate 2022
El Salvador - Gross domestic product (GDP) 2012-2022
Peru - national debt 2012-2022
Venezuela - total population 2012-2022
Panama - gross domestic product (GDP) 2022
Latin America and the Caribbean - External debt in billion U.S. dollar 2019
Peru - Inflation rate from 2012 to 2022
Paraguay - trade balance 2007-2017
Peru - total population from 2012 to 2022
Venezuela - Trade balance 2017
Latin America & Caribbean - population growth 2007-2017
Latin America & Caribbean - share of economic sectors in gross domestic product 2007-2017
Panama - total population 2012-2022
Uruguay - national debt 2012-2022
Panama- inflation rate 2022
Venezuela - Gross domestic product (GDP) 2022
Puerto Rico - Gross domestic product in current U.S. dollars (GDP) 2022
El Salvador - Unemployment rate 2007-2017
Paraguay - unemployment rate 2007-2017