Hate crime in the UK

Interesting statistics from the category "Hate crime in the UK"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Hate crime in the UK industries. Find the most relevant Hate crime in the UK statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Share of race crimes proceeded in court Scotland 2018
Sexual orientation hate crimes in England & Wales 2015-2017
Transgender hate crimes in England & Wales 2015-2017
Disability hate crimes in England & Wales 2017
Religious hate crimes in England & Wales 2015-2017
Racial hate crime in England & Wales 2011-2017
Violent racist offences in Northern Ireland 2004-2017
Hate crimes in England & Wales 2015-2017
Disability hate crimes in England & Wales 2015-2017
Hate crime rate in England and Wales 2017
Racist crimes in Northern Ireland, by type 2014-2015
Racial hate crimes in England & Wales by region, 2016-2017
Racist criminal damage offences in Northern Ireland 2004-2017
Violent hate crimes with injury in England & Wales 2015-2017
Transgender related hate crimes in Scotland 2018
Hate crimes in British transport 2015-2017
Hate crimes in Wales 2015-2016
Racial hate crimes Scotland 2008-2017
Racist offences without injury in Northern Ireland 2004-2017
Hate crimes related to sexual orientation in Scotland 2018
Transgender hate crimes in England & Wales 2016-2017
Religious hate crimes in England & Wales, by region 2016-2017
Racist crimes in Northern Ireland, by age 2017
Homophobic hate crimes in England & Wales 2017
Racist hate crimes in England & Wales 2015-2017
Share of race crimes involving harassment in Scotland 2018
Hate crimes related to disability in Scotland 2018
Racist crimes in Northern Ireland, by gender 2017
Violent hate crimes without injury in England & Wales 2015-2017
Race crimes proceeded in court in Scotland 2018
Violent hate crimes in England & Wales 2015-2017
Racist offences with injury in Northern Ireland 2004-2017
Religious hate crimes in Scotland 2018