Printed media in Europe

Interesting statistics from the category "Printed media in Europe"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Printed media in Europe industries. Find the most relevant Printed media in Europe statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Finland: consumer spending newspapers, books, stationery 2008-2016
Finland: ten largest daily newspapers, by circulation 2017
Finland: reach of printed & online newspapers by type 2018
Finland: most popular magazines by weekly digital reach 2016-2017
Finland: non-daily newspaper publishers revenue by source 2010-2016
Finland: annual number of newspapers 2006-2016
Finland: market volume of mass media by sector 2013-2015
Finland: turnover of the publishing activities sector 2008-2015
Finland: book industry market value 2006-2016
Finland: single copy magazine sales revenue, by type 2010-2017
Finland: daily newspaper publishers revenue by source 2010-2016
Finland: employees in book industry 2016
Publishing activities: production value 2008-2015
Finland: publishing media market volume by segment 2006-2016
Finland: publisher net sales revenue from digital publications 2012-2017
Publishing activities sector by personnel costs 2008-2015
Finland: printed media advertising expenditure 2010-2017
Finland: newspaper industry market value 2006-2016
Finland: share of people who trust the news by age 2018
Finland: most read magazines 2018
Finland: number of magazines 2006-2016
Finland: number of book publishers and retailers 2016
Finland: publisher net sales revenue from printed general literature 2010-2017
Printing of newspapers industry: enterprises 2008-2015
Finland: digital circulation of newspapers 2017
Finland: magazine revenue by type of sale 2006-2016
Publishing activities industry: enterprises 2008-2015
Finland: print media as the main news source by age 2018
Finland: share of inhabitants who borrow books 2007-2017
Finland: book industry turnover 2016
Finland: advertising spending growth by medium 2017
Finland: books with most translations 2018