Media Industry in China

Interesting statistics from the category "Media Industry in China"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Media Industry in China industries. Find the most relevant Media Industry in China statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

China: number of radio shows by region 2016
Growth of newspaper markets in selected countries worldwide 2013-2017
Revenue of the Chinese media industry by subsector 2012
Leading newspapers in China by reach 2012
Frequency of online newspaper consumption in China 2010-2012
China: number of advertising companies 2012
China - consumer reaction to advertisements, by form of advertising, 2012
Newspaper reach in China 2010-2012
Leading newspapers in China by circulation 2012
China: number of magazine publications in 2016
Leading fashion magazines in China by average reach 2012
Largest advertisers in China by share of total Chinese ad spend 2013
China: average magazine circulation per issue 2013
Entertainment and media market in China 2017
Media and entertainment sector spending CAGR in China 2014-2019
China: number of pay TV households by region 2016
Change in advertising expenditure in China 2003-2013
Ranking of Chinese media sectors by market share 2012
TV subscription revenue in China 2017
Fastest growing consumer magazine markets worldwide 2012-2017
Time spent with media in China 2011
China: value of imported TV programs by world region 2016
Magazine reach in China 2010-2012
China: media industry revenue change by subsector 2012
China: total number of printed magazine copies 2016
Radio industry revenue in the fastest growing radio markets worldwide 2012-2017
China: number of newspapers published 2016
China: radio program penetration rate by region 2016
China: number of TV shows 2016
China - companies with the highest advertising expenditure 2011
Radio reach in China 2010-2012
Time spent watching TV and video in China 2011
Television reach in China 2010-2012
China: number of radio stations 2012
China: total amount of printed newspaper copies in 2016
Media reach in China 2015
China: number of television stations 2012
China: export value of TV programs by world region 2016
Leading radio stations in China by reach 2012
China: number of radio shows 2016