Food Retail Industry

Interesting statistics from the category "Food Retail Industry"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Food Retail Industry industries. Find the most relevant Food Retail Industry statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

U.S.: number supermarket/grocery stores 2017
Average per store selling area of U.S. supermarkets, 2016
Weekly number of U.S. grocery shopping trips per household, 2018
Sales of U.S. supermarket stores by operator, 2017
Average number of checkouts per U.S. supermarket store 2015
Retail sales area of Walmart, by division 2010-2018
Grocery basket size by channel in the U.S., 2016
U.S. drinking place sales, 2017
Breakdown of U.S. supermarket sales by department, 2016
Sales of U.S. retail food and beverage stores, 2017
U.S. food service and drinking place sales, 2017
Average annual U.S. household food expenditure, 2016
U.S. consumers' primary store for food purchases, 2017
Average annual food away-from-home expenditure of U.S. households, 2016
Consumer grocery shopping methods U.S. 2017
Number of independent U.S. supermarket stores by sales range, 2017
Number of U.S. supermarket stores by operator, 2017
Kroger's number of stores 2017
U.S.: Largest grocery and supermarket chains 2017
U.S. grocery store sales, 2017
Total U.S. retail and food services sales, 2017
Sales of U.S. supermarket chain stores by sales range, 2017
Average annual food at-home expenditure of U.S. households, 2016
Number of U.S. supermarket chain stores by sales range, 2017
Kroger's sales in the U.S., 2017
U.S. supermarket and other grocery store sales, 2017
Kroger's total food store sales area, 2016
Costco's net sales worldwide, 2017
U.S. food retail store sales by format, 2017
Sales of independent U.S. supermarket stores by sales range, 2017
Food purchase factors U.S. consumers by type, 2016
Retail trade sales in the U.S. by store type, 2017
Average sales per store of U.S. supermarkets, 2016
Number of stores of the leading supermarkets in the U.S., 2017
Walmart's net sales 2008-2018, by division
Number of U.S. food retail stores by format, 2017
U.S. supermarket sales by format, 2017
Costco's average sales per warehouse worldwide, 2017
Sales growth of the fastest-growing food retailers in the U.S. 2018
Number of Walmart stores by division worldwide 2006-2018
Costco's number of warehouses worldwide 2017
Leading food and grocery retailers United States sales, 2018