Crime in Canada

Interesting statistics from the category "Crime in Canada"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Crime in Canada industries. Find the most relevant Crime in Canada statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Canada: number of violent crimes 2017, by type
Canada: number of property crimes 2017, by metro area
Canada: violent crime rate 2017, by type
Youth crime severity index in Canada 2000-2017
Canada: number of drug-related offences 2000-2017
Canada: number of violent crimes 2017, by territory or province
Youth violent crime severity index in Canada 2000-2017
Canada: property crime rate 2017, by type
Canada: number of property crimes 2017, by territory or province
Canada: rate of criminal offences 2000-2017
Canada: number of drug related offences 2017, by metro area
Number of violent crime victims in Canada, by offence 2016
Canada: rate of violent crimes 2017, by territory or province
Canada: rate of property crimes 2017, by metro area
Canada: rate of drug-related offences 2000-2017
Canada: number of violent crimes 2000-2017
Canada: property crime rate 2000-2017
Crime severity index in Canada 2017, by province
Canada: number of violent crimes 2017, by metro area
Canada: number of drug-possession offences 2000-2017
Canada: number of drug-trafficking, production or distribution offences 2000-2017
Crime severity index by metropolitan area Canada 2017, by metropolitan area
Canada: number of property crimes 2017, by type
Canada and United States homicide rate 2000-2016
Canada: property crime rate 2017, by territory or province
Canada: rate of violent crimes 2017, by metro area
Canada: violent crime rate 2000-2016
Violent crime severity index in Canada 2000-2017
Crime severity index in Canada 2000-2017
Canada: number of property crimes 2000-2016
Violent weighted clearance rate in Canada 2000-2017