Art market in the United Kingdom (UK)

Interesting statistics from the category "Art market in the United Kingdom (UK)"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Art market in the United Kingdom (UK) industries. Find the most relevant Art market in the United Kingdom (UK) statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

GVA of the operation of arts facilities UK 2008-2015
Art market: global leaders 2016
Operation of arts facilities employment UK 2011-2016
Artistic creation employment in the UK 2011-2016
Museum attendance frequency in England 2005-2017
Share of fine art auction market sectors in the UK 2016
Artwork and antiques UK export value 2008-2016
Arts organisations income distribution 2011-2017
Arts facilities operations: turnover 2008-2016
Operation of arts facilities: UK enterprises by turnover 2017
Works of art and antiques retail turnover 2008-2015
Art and antiques UK exports 2003-2016
Museums fundraising income in England 2017
Tate gallery visitor numbers 2008-2017
UK art and antique imports 2003-2016
Tate artwork loans 2011-2017
Artistic creation: UK enterprises 2008-2016
Paintings and sculptures: UK imports quarterly 2014-2017
Arts employment outside the creative industries 2016
Funded arts organisations total income 2009-2017
Arts council funded organisations: income by type 2015-2017
Fine art auction sales value and volume in the UK 2016
Museum, gallery and library employment UK 2011-2016
Contemporary art: leading artists UK 2017
Museums trading income in England 2017
Paintings and sculptures: UK exports quarterly 2014-2017
Contemporary art: top countries auction revenue 2017
UK global art market share 2008-2016
GVA of artistic creation in the UK 2008-2015
Fine art market sales in sectors 2014-2016
Tate artwork acquisitions 2011-2017
Museum attendance in England 2005-2017
Artistic creation: UK enterprises by turnover 2017
Artists outside the creative industries
Museums visitor numbers in England 2017
Artwork and antiques UK import value 2008-2016
Museums admissions income in England 201
Arts council funded organizations: income by type 2017
British art and antiques market sales 2014-2016
Arts Council England subsidies by artform 2016/17
Arts facilities operations in the UK 2008-2016
Museums: overseas and UK visitors 2017
Artistic creation: turnover 2008-2016