Sports Brands

Interesting statistics from the category "Sports Brands"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Sports Brands industries. Find the most relevant Sports Brands statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

The world's highest paid tennis player 2017-2018
Major League Baseball (MLB) sponsorship revenue 2010-2017
Brand value Ligue 1 (France) football teams 2011-2018
Motorsports sponsorship spending worldwide 2011-2017
NBA franchise values 2018
NFL league and team sponsorship revenue 2010-2016
NHL sponsorship revenue 2011-2017
2014 FIFA World Cup marketing rights revenue by segment 2013-2015
Olympic Summer Games sponsorship revenue 1996-2016
Brand value ranking football clubs worldwide 2018
NBA sponsorship revenue 2010-2018
Highest paid NFL players 2018
Tiger Woods career earnings 1996-2016
Brand value Premier League football teams 2011-2018
MLB franchise values 2018
FIFA World Cup TV broadcasting rights revenue 2009-2017
Brand value Bundesliga (Germany) football teams 2011-2018
Most valuable sport event brands worldwide 2017
Total revenue from the Olympic partner program (TOP) 1985-2016
Highest-paid soccer players worldwide 2017
Brand value Primera Division football teams 2011-2018
Endurance sports sponsorship spending worldwide 2011-2016
Brand value Serie A (Italy) football teams 2011-2018
NHL highest paid players 2017/18
Favorite sports apparel brand among runners 2016
NHL franchise value by team 2017
Most valuable sports athlete brands worldwide 2017
Highest-paid golfers income/earnings (on & off-course) 2016
Tennis sponsorship spending worldwide 2010-2016
Total Olympic marketing revenues 1993-2016
Highest paid MLB players 2018
Most valuable sports teams 2018
Golf sponsorship spending worldwide 2010-2016
Top sport brands among U.S. consumers
Products associated with NFL players in US 2017
Olympic partner program (TOP) partners 1985-2016
Highest-paid NBA players (salary & endorsements) 2018