Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Autism spectrum disorder in the U.S. | Students with disabilities or disorders, by depression/anxiety frequency and likelihood of counseling U.S. 2016

U.S. students with disabilities/disorders, by frequency and likelihood to seek help

Students in the United States with disabilities or disorders in 2016, by frequency of depression/anxiety and likeliness to seek counseling

The data displays the likelihood of students in the U.S. with disabilities or disorders to experience anxiety or depression and their likelihood to seek counseling in 2016. In 2016, 51.8% of American students with psychological disorders frequently felt depressed; however, only 35.8% were likely to seek counseling.

Psychological disorder (depression, etc.) 51.8 35.8
Autism spectrum disorder 29.7 31.4
Chronic illness (cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, etc.) 22.3 20.4
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 20.2 19.2
Physical disability (speech, sight, mobility, hearing, etc.) 19.5 17.9
Learning disability 18.7 20.8
Other 24.9 23