Internet » Social Media » Facebook in the Benelux | Belgium: Flemish Facebook users, by age group 2015-2017

Flemish Facebook users in Belgium 2015-2017, by age group

Share of respondents who used Facebook in the past month in Flanders in Belgium from 2015 to 2017, by age group

The data displays the share of respondents who use Facebook in the past month in Flanders in Belgium from 2015 to 2017, by age group. In 2017, roughly 66% of the 20 to 29 year olds in Flanders used Facebook in the past month.

Total 47 49.6 43.8
15-19 years 65.6 70.7 69.6
20-29 years 65.5 70.4 65
30-39 years 49.4 56.3 42.7
40 years and older 37.4 35.6 32.2