Facebook in the Benelux

Facebook in the Benelux statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Facebook in the Benelux"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Facebook in the Benelux industries. Find the most relevant Facebook in the Benelux statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Belgium: number of Facebook users, by age group and gender 2018
Netherlands: top social media channels for news 2017-2018
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands: active social media users on mobile 2017-2018
Netherlands: popular social media of Millennials 2018
Belgium: Facebook daily usage, by age group 2017
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands: engagement rate for Facebook page video posts 2018
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands: engagement rate for Facebook page photo posts 2018
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands: engagement rate for Facebook page link posts 2018
Netherlands: brands with most Facebook likes 2018
Instagram: most-followed influencers Benelux 2018
Netherlands: number of Facebook users, by age group and gender 2018
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands: active social media users on mobile change 2017-2018
Belgium: monthly social media usage Flemish individuals by social network 2015-2017
Netherlands: opinion on active time on Facebook 2018
Belgium: frequently used features on Instagram by teenagers Flanders 2017
Netherlands: Facebook users, by age group 2016-2018
Belgium: less frequently used features on Facebook by teenagers Flanders 2017
Netherlands: number of Facebook users 2015-2021
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands: monthly active Instagram users 2018
Netherlands: Facebook user penetration 2014-2021
Netherlands: number of Facebook users, by age group 2017-2018
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands: active social media users change 2017-2018
Belgium: Flemish Facebook users, by age group 2015-2017
Belgium: Facebook user penetration 2014-2021
Belgium: brands with most Facebook likes 2018
Benelux: Instagram users as percentage of total population, by country 2018
Belgium: number of Facebook users, by age group 2017-2018
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands: mobile use of Facebook 2017-2018
Netherlands: people who rely on Facebook as a news source 2017-2018
Belgium: top social media for news 2017-2018
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands: penetration rate of social media users on mobile 2017-2018
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands: monthly active Facebook users 2017-2018
Belgium: frequently used features on Facebook by teenagers Flanders 2017
Luxembourg: brands with most Facebook likes 2018
Netherlands: Instagram users, by age group 2015-2018