Internet » Social Media » Facebook in the Benelux | Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands: engagement rate for Facebook page link posts 2018

Engagement rate average for Facebook page link posts in Benelux 2018, by country

Average engagement rate for Facebook page link posts in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands in 2018

The data shows the average engagement rate for Facebook page link posts in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands in 2018. The source states that the engagement rate "compares the number of people who interacted with a post to the total number of unique users to whom that post was served, regardless of whether those users were fans of (i.e. "liked") the page at that time".

As of 2018, the engagement rate average for Facebook page link posts in the Netherlands was the highest in the Benelux region. The average engagement rate for Facebook link posts in the Netherlands was roughly 6 percent, whereas in Luxembourg the average engagement; which compares the number of people who interacted with a post to the total number of people to whom that post was directed, was slightly above 2% in 2018.

Belgium 4.83
Luxembourg 2.05
Netherlands 5.71