Society » Demographics » Languages in the United Kingdom | Foreign languages spoken in England and Wales by language group

Other languages spoken in England and Wales in 2011, by language group

Foreign languages spoken within England and Wales in 2011, by language group
Created with Highcharts European languagesSouth Asian languagesEast Asian languagesAfrican languagesArabicWest/central Asian languagesTurkishRussianNon-EU European languages00.

The data displays the distribution of first languages, other than English or Welsh, spoken in England and Wales in 2011 at the time of the National Census, by language group. EU European languages were the most commonly spoken, possibly due to the proximity of their countries, but also due to the freedom of movement within the European Union. 2.4% of the total population spoke a South Asian language as their first language. This category included Indian languages such as Panjabi, Urdu, Bengali, which were the third, fourth and fifth most common foreign first languages in England and Wales.

EU European languages 2.9
South Asian languages 2.4
East Asian languages 0.7
African languages 0.5
Arabic 0.3
West/central Asian languages 0.3
Turkish 0.2
Russian 0.1
Non-EU European languages 0.1