Languages in the United Kingdom

Languages in the United Kingdom statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Languages in the United Kingdom"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Languages in the United Kingdom industries. Find the most relevant Languages in the United Kingdom statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Percentage of Scottish residents who have English language issues in 2011
Percentage of Northern Ireland population with Irish language skills
Welsh medium students in primary schools Wales 2011-2017
Sign languages spoken in England and Wales
Irish medium students in primary schools Northern Ireland 2001-2017
Non-English speakers in Northern Ireland by main language
Foreign languages spoken in England and Wales by language group
Employment rate of non-native English speakers England and Wales
Irish medium students in secondary schools in Northern Ireland 2001-2017
Welsh medium students in secondary schools Wales 2011-2017
Local authorities with highest proportion of native English speakers
English/Welsh native speakers in the United Kingdom
Proficiency rates of largest non-native populations England and Wales
English language proficiency rates amongst non-native speakers in Northern Ireland
Rate of economically inactive non-native English speakers England and Wales
English language proficiency rates of non-native speakers in Northern Ireland
English language proficiency rates amongst non-native speakers
English proficiency rates of non-native speakers by gender | England/Wales
Areas with highest proportion of non-native English speakers
Primary pupils receiving Gaelic medium education in Scotland in 2017
Scottish residents with Gaelic language skills in 2011
English language proficiency rates amongst non-native speakers in England
Main language in England by region
Secondary pupils receiving Gaelic education in Scotland in 2017
Languages used by deaf students in UK schools in 2015
Most common languages in England and Wales 2011
Unemployment rate of non-native English speakers England and Wales