Society » Demographics » Languages in the United Kingdom | Main language in England by region

First language of the population of England by region in 2011

Proportion of the population of England whose main language was not English in 2011, by region
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1422. MidlandsEast MidlandsYorkshire and the HumberSouth EastEastNorth WestSouth WestNorth EastEngland024681012141618202224

The data displays the percentage of the population for whom English was not their native language. The capital had 14.9% more people who stated that English was not their main language than the next highest region, the West Midlands. The region that had the fewest people who declared that English was not their first language was the North East, with 2.8%.

London 22.1
West Midlands 7.2
East Midlands 6.2
Yorkshire and the Humber 5.9
South East 5.8
East 5.5
North West 5.1
South West 3.5
North East 2.8
England 8