Society » Demographics » Languages in the United Kingdom | Scottish residents with Gaelic language skills in 2011

Scotland: percentage of Gaelic-speaking inhabitants in 2011

Proportion of population of Scotland with Gaelic language competencies in 2011, by skillset
Created with Highcharts, reads and writes GaelicUnderstands but does not speak, read or write GaelicSpeaks but does not read or write GaelicReads but does not speak or write GaelicSpeaks and reads but does not write Gaelic00.

The data displays the percentage of the population of Scotland who stated that they had some Gaelic language skills in the 2011 Census, by their specific competencies. In total, 0.6% stated that they could speak, read and write Gaelic, and 0.4% said they could speak but not read or write.

Speaks, reads and writes Gaelic 0.6
Understands but does not speak, read or write Gaelic 0.5
Speaks but does not read or write Gaelic 0.4
Reads but does not speak or write Gaelic 0.1
Speaks and reads but does not write Gaelic 0.1