Society » Education & Science » Education in Canada | Canada: school board expenditures by province 2015

Canada: school board expenditures, by province 2015

School board expenditures in Canada in 2015, by province (All amounts are reported in millions of Canadian dollars, except where otherwise noted)

The data displays the total expenditure of Canadian school boards in 2015, distinguished by provinces. In 2015, Canadian schools in Ontario spent 24.95 billion CAD.

Ontario 24952.02
Quebec 11967.69
Alberta 7430.75
British Columbia 5460.33
Manitoba 2378.58
Saskatchewan 2209.11
Nova Scotia 1289.72
New Brunswick 965.15
Newfoundland and Labrador 807.32
Northwest Territories 322.35
Prince Edward Island 217.14
Yukon 136.01