Education in Canada

Education in Canada statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Education in Canada"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Education in Canada industries. Find the most relevant Education in Canada statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Canada - expenditure of universities and degree-granting colleges 2000-2017
Canada - revenue of universities and colleges by type 2017
Canada: university/college enrollment of international students 2000-2016
Canada: graduate tuition fee 2017/18, by province
Canada - enrollment in public elementary and secondary schools 2000-2016
Canada: certificates granted to trade qualifiers, by trade group 2016
Canada: university/college enrollment 2015/16, by age and gender
Canada: university/college enrollment 2016, by province
Canada: graduates tuition fee 2017/18, by field of study
Canada: public school graduates 2002-2016
Canada: undergraduate tuition fee 2017/18, by province
Certificates awarded to apprentices in Canada 2000-2016
Canada: public school graduates, by province 2015/16
Canada: university/college student enrollment 2000-2016
Canada: university graduates 2000-2015
Canada: elementary/secondary school enrollment 2016, by province
Canada: public elementary/secondary school enrollment 2016, by gender
Canada: school board revenues, by province 2015
Canada: school board revenues, by source 2015
Canada: public school's expenditures 2000-2015
Canada: university/college graduates 2015, by gender and field of study
Canada: children with postsecondary savings by province 2013
Canada - revenue of community colleges and vocational schools, by type 2016
Canada: school board expenditures by province 2015
Canada: postsecondary graduates, by type of degree 2015
Canada: university/college graduates 2000-2015
Canada: university/college enrollment of Canadians 2000-2016
Canada - expenditure of community colleges and vocational schools by type 2016
Canada: university/college enrollment 2016, by field
Canada: university/college graduates, by province 2015
Canada: school board expenditures by function 2015
Canadian graduate degree tuition fees 2006-2018
Canadian undergraduate tuition fees 2006-2018
Canada: apprenticeship completions by trade group & gender 2016
Canada - registrations in apprenticeship training programs 2000 to 2016
Canada: university/college enrollment, by program type 2015/16
Canada - expenditure of universities and colleges, by type 2016/17
Canada: college graduates 2000-2015
Canada: undergraduate tuition fee 2017/18, by field of study