Society » Education & Science » Education in Canada | Canada - expenditure of universities and colleges, by type 2016/17

Canada - expenditure of universities and degree-granting colleges by type 2016/17

Expenditure of universities and degree-granting colleges in Canada in 2016/17, by type (All amounts are reported in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where otherwise noted)

The data describes an annual expenditure of universities and degree-granting colleges in Canada for academic year 2016/17, by type of expenditure. In 2016/17, Canadian universities and degree-granting colleges spent around 21.47 billion CAD for salaries and benefits.

Salaries and benefits 21466236
Scholarships, bursaries and prizes 2068416
Building, land and land improvements 1818847
Other operational expenditures 1623933
Materials and supplies 1498277
Furniture and equipment purchase 1179029
Externally contracted services 1120800
Renovations and alterations 840946
Travel 726023
Utilities 676505
Professional fees 641962
Interest 530191
Cost of goods sold 477151
Library acquisitions 415219
Equipment rental and maintenance 400601
Communications 132346
Printing and duplicating 99080
Lump sum payments 46674
Internal sales and cost recoveries 0