
Interesting statistics from the category "Adidas"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Adidas industries. Find the most relevant Adidas statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

The adidas Group's global apparel production 2008-2017
The adidas Group's global footwear production 2008-2017
The adidas Group's gross profit worldwide 2000-2017
Adidas Group: ad spend in the U.S. 2017
The adidas Group's net sales worldwide 2000-2017
Americans who own Adidas brand apparel, accessories, and footwear 2018, by income
Global distribution of adidas retail net sales, by region 2015-2017
Net sales of the adidas brand worldwide 2000-2017
Leading apparel brands worldwide 2018
Leading sportswear companies by sales worldwide 2018
Market share of the leading clothing and apparel brands worldwide 2017
Number of adidas stores worldwide 2008-2017
Net sales of the Reebok brand worldwide 2006-2017
Leading athletic apparel brands amongst upper-income U.S. teens, 2016
Adidas, Nike & Puma revenue comparison 2006-2017
Footwear / shoe revenue Nike, Adidas & Puma 2010-2017
Most reputable companies worldwide 2018
United States - brand preferences for Adidas in Q1 2016/2017, by income
World's most valuable sports business brands 2017
Net sales of the adidas Group, by product category worldwide 2002-2017
Leading athletic apparel brands amongst average-income U.S. teens, 2016
Number of employees of the adidas Group worldwide 2000-2017
Footwear market share of Nike and adidas by region 2017
New clothing brands starting to be worn by U.S. teenage boys 2017
Sales growth forecast of the leading sportswear companies worldwide 2018
The adidas Group's income before taxes worldwide 2000-2017
Clothing/accessories brands in the U.S. 2017
Sports apparel market share by company U.S. 2017
The adidas Group's footwear net sales worldwide 2010-2017
Brand value of the leading 10 apparel brands worldwide 2018
New clothing brands starting to be worn by U.S. teen girls 2016
Customer satisfaction athletic shoes (adidas, Nike etc.) 1997-2017
Sports footwear market share of Nike and adidas U.S. 2017