The Kering Group

The Kering Group statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "The Kering Group"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the The Kering Group industries. Find the most relevant The Kering Group statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Leading retailers in Europe by market value 2015
Kering Group: sponsoring and ad spend 2016
Number of employees of the Kering Group worldwide 2012-2017
Luxury: Millennials willing to buy personalized products worldwide 2017
The richest luxury tycoons worldwide based on wealth, 2016
Revenue share of Bottega Veneta worldwide 2017, by product category
Kering Group's luxury division share of revenue by product category 2017
Number of Bottega Veneta stores 2017, by region
Revenue share of Bottega Veneta worldwide 2017, by region
Revenue breakdown Kering Group, by division worldwide 2012-2017
U.S.: Brands of perfume, cologne and toilet water used 2017
Revenue share of Kering Group's lifestyle division, by brand worldwide 2016-2017
Gucci stores worldwide 2017, by region
Global revenue share of Gucci 2017, by region
Global revenue share Kering Group's luxury division 2017, by brand
Luxury brands discovery sources among Millennials worldwide 2017
Sales of the leading luxury goods companies worldwide 2016
Revenue share of Kering Group's lifestyle division, by region 2015-2017
Revenue share of Saint Laurent 2017, by region
Kering Group's revenue, by region worldwide 2012-2017
Global revenue share of Gucci 2017, by product category
Global revenue of the Kering Group 2008-2017
Revenue share of Saint Laurent worldwide 2017, by product category
Saint Laurent stores worldwide 2017, by region
Revenue share Kering Group's luxury division 2017, by region
Revenue share of Kering Group's lifestyle division, by product category worldwide 2015-2017
Best global luxury brands brand value 2017
Luxury categories browsed online for worldwide 2015
Global revenue of the Kering Group, by brand 2012-2017