Fresh Fruit in Retail

Interesting statistics from the category "Fresh Fruit in Retail"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Fresh Fruit in Retail industries. Find the most relevant Fresh Fruit in Retail statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Alternative stores where U.S. consumers buy produce 2017
Fresh produce: factors influencing impulse purchases U.S. 2017
Sales growth of fresh fruit in the U.S. by type, 2017
Share of tree fruit sales in the U.S. by fruit type, 2017
Fruit dollar sales growth in U.S. supermarkets by category, 2016
U.S. retail price of lemons, 2017
U.S. apple sales share by apple type, 2017
U.S. grape sales share by type, 2017
U.S. retail price of grapes, 2017
Fresh food department sales U.S. by category, 2016
Share of melon sales in the U.S. by melon type, 2017
U.S. retail price of bananas, 2017
Market value of organic fruits and vegetables U.S. 2017
U.S. consumers' reasons for buying branded produce 2017
U.S. consumers' reasons for purchasing locally grown produce 2017
Consumers who have recently bought local produce U.S. 2016
Organic fruits and vegetables: sales growth U.S. 2017
U.S. retail price of apples, 2016
Produce department dollar sales growth in the U.S. by category, 2016
Produce department sales in the U.S. by category, 2016
U.S. retail price of navel oranges, 2017
Where U.S. consumers primarily purchase fresh produce 2017
Share of fresh produce sales in the U.S. by segment, 2017
U.S. retail price of grapefruits, 2017
Organic food: consumers' reasons not to purchase U.S. 2017
Value-added produce market share U.S. 2016
Fruit volume sales growth in U.S. supermarkets by category, 2016
Fruit dollar sales in U.S. supermarkets by category, 2016
Share of U.S. citrus fruit sales by type, 2017
Fruit dollar sales share in U.S. supermarkets by category, 2016
U.S. distribution of packaged/value-added/fresh-cut & random weight fruit sales 2017
U.S. pears sales share by pear type, 2017