U.S. Italian Foods Industry

Interesting statistics from the category "U.S. Italian Foods Industry"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the U.S. Italian Foods Industry industries. Find the most relevant U.S. Italian Foods Industry statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Leading frozen pizza manufacturers unit sales U.S., 2016
U.S. pasta and rice average price category, 2017
Leading pasta and noodle brands sales of the U.S., 2017
U.S. retail sales of specialty shelf-stable pastas 2016
Carrabba’s Italian Grill: average sales per unit US 2017
U.S. dollar sales leading refrigerated pizza vendors, 2016
Buying frozen pizza instead of buying it from a restaurant U.S., 2016
U.S. pasta and rice unit sales category, 2017
U.S. private label: pasta and rice dollar sales share category, 2017
U.S. unit sales leading refrigerated pizza vendors, 2016
Frozen pizza: per capita purchases U.S. and UK 2017
U.S. retail sales of pasta sauces, 2020
U.S. retail price of spaghetti, 2017
Market share of the leading frozen pizza brands U.S. 2017
U.S. private label: pasta and rice dollar sales category, 2017
Frozen pasta unit sales in the U.S. by type, 2016
Frozen pasta unit sales United States, 2016
U.S. pizza dollar sales share by subcategory 2017
Frozen pasta dollar sales United States, 2016
Frozen pasta sales value in the U.S. by type, 2016
U.S. retail stores: sales of shelf-stable pasta and pizza sauces 2016
Pizza delivery: consumer spending U.S. 2017
Market size pasta varieties in the U.S., 2007-2016
U.S. pasta and rice dollar sales category, 2017
U.S. product shipment value of dry pasta, dough & flour mixes 2016
Refrigerated pasta and noodle unit sales in the U.S. by brand, 2017
U.S. supermarkets: spaghetti and Italian sauce dollar sales, 2015
U.S. retail sales of specialty shelf-stable pasta and pizza sauces 2016
Favorite pizza crust styles by generation U.S. 2016
U.S. supermarkets: spaghetti and Italian sauce unit sales, 2015
Favorite pizza crust styles U.S. 2016
U.S. retail stores: sales of refrigerated pasta 2016
U.S. retail sales of specialty refrigerated pastas, 2016
Leading pizza and pizza kit brands U.S. dollar sales 2017
Papa John's: restaurants by state and type US 2017
U.S. retail stores: sales of shelf-stable pasta 2016
Market share of the leading frozen pizza vendors U.S. 2017
U.S. private label: pasta and rice unit sales category 2017
U.S. private label: average price pasta rice category 2017