DIY and home improvement in Europe

Interesting statistics from the category "DIY and home improvement in Europe"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the DIY and home improvement in Europe industries. Find the most relevant DIY and home improvement in Europe statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Where consumers shop for DIY and gardening
Revenue performance of the DIY market in EU27 2005-2014
Number of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) stores in Europe 2005-2015
DIY retailers: number of stores in Germany 2010-2018
Sweden: DIY retailers: number of stores 2003-2015
Leading DIY retailers by number of stores in France 2010-2016
DIY confidence in Europe 2012 and 2014
Reasons for hiring DIY trademen in Europe 2014
DIY retailers: number of stores in the Netherlands 2003-2015
Leading DIY retailers by number of stores in the Czech Republic 2010-2016
DIY confidence in Europe 2014
Europe: Kingfisher store number by country 2018
DIY/home improvement plans in Europe 2014
DIY retailers: number of stores in Italy 2003-2016
Leading DIY retailers by number of stores in Italy 2010-2016
Europe: Kingfisher total retail profit by country 2018
Sweden: leading DIY retailers by number of stores 2010-2015
DIY: where British adults seek advice 2014
DIY/home improvement projects in Europe 2014
DIY retailers: number of stores in the Czech Republic 2003-2016
Leading DIY retailers by number of stores in Spain 2010-2016
Distribution structure of the DIY market EU 2016
DIY tasks undertaken in Great Britain 2014
Most popular DIY retailers in Germany 2017
DIY tools in British households 2014
Leading DIY retailers by number of stores in the Netherlands 2010-2015
Kingfisher sales by country in Europe 2018
European DIY retailers: store numbers 2014
DIY retailers: number of stores in Spain 2003-2016
DIY retailers: number of stores in Poland 2003-2016
Top DIY retailers' turnover in Europe 2017
DIY retailers: number of stores in France 2003-2016
Annual turnover of ADEO Group 2009-2015
Most popular DIY retailers by customer numbers in Germany 2016