
Interesting statistics from the category "Smoking"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Smoking industries. Find the most relevant Smoking statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Tobacco cessation in substance abuse centers by type U.S. 2016
Tobacco cessation programs and mental health centers U.S. 2016
Tobacco cessation in mental health centers by type U.S. 2016
Tobacco incidents in movies in the U.S. 2017
United States - harmfulness of second-hand smoke
Usage of health apps to quit smoking among U.S. adults 2017
Share of smokers in the U.S. 2017
Countries using tobacco warning labels by income level 2016
United States - legality of smoking
Smoking tobacco prevalence by sex and income level 2015
World population covered by tobacco control policies 2016
United States - high school students who smoke cigarettes 2017
Total cigarette consumption in the U.S. 1900-2015
Current cigarette smokers U.S. adults by ethnicity 2013-2015
Tobacco-related revenues vs tobacco prevention spending and health costs U.S. 2018
Cigarette smoking prevalence among adults U.S. by sexual orientation 2016
US high school students who smoked before age of 13 in 2017
Risk of death among smokers before age 65 by age of smokers at quitting 2018
Global cigarette sales share by region 2016
Usage of health apps to quit smoking in US health care workers 2017
Number of tobacco incidents in TV shows in the U.S. 2016
Smokers on harmfulness of smoking by daily tobacco consumption U.S. 2001-2017
Tobacco cessation programs substance abuse centers U.S. 2016
Lung and bronchus cancer deaths number U.S. 1999-2014
Cigarette consumption change worldwide by WHO region 1980-2016
Cigarette affordability trends worldwide by income level 2016
United States - high school students who smoke cigarettes 2017
Cigarette consumption per adult in the U.S. 1900-2015
Smokers' desire to quit by daily tobacco consumption U.S. 2001-2017
Prevalence of tobacco smoking among adults worldwide 2015
United States - legality of smoking in public