Deutsche Telekom AG

Interesting statistics from the category "Deutsche Telekom AG"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Deutsche Telekom AG industries. Find the most relevant Deutsche Telekom AG statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Deutsche Telekom: operative revenue in Germany 2007-2016
Deutsche Telekom revenue 2005-2017
Deutsche Telekom: mobile customers in Germany 2002-2017
Deutsche Telekom: mobile communications ARPU in Germany 2018
Broadband: market share by provider in Germany 2001-2016
Deutsche Telekom: IPTV and satellite customers in Germany 2009-2016
Deutsche Telekom: broadband market share in Germany 2017
DSL: number of connections by provider in Germany 2001-2016
Mobile network providers: ARPU in Germany 2012-2016
Deutsche Telekom revenue distribution by region 2011-2017
Deutsche Telekom telecom brand value 2014-2018
Deutsche Telekom: revenue by quarter 2010-2018
Deutsche Telekom research & development expenditure 2007-2017
Wireless telecom spending worldwide 2015-2020
Telecommunications: investments in fixed assets in Germany 1998-2017
Deutsche Telekom net income by quarter 2010-2018
Deutsche Telekom: net profit 2005-2017
Deutsche Telekom: mobile contract customers in Germany 2011-2017
Deutsche Telekom: monthly churn rate in Germany 2009-2018
Fixed telecom spending forecast worldwide 2015-2020
Telekom and competitors: landline telephony revenue in Germany 1998-2017
Deutsche Telekom employees worldwide 2009-2017
Telecommunications: revenue of leading companies in Germany 2017
Telecommunications: revenue in Germany 1998-2017
Deutsche Telekom: DSL connection share in Germany 2001-2016
Telecommunications: revenue in Europe 2015-2017
Mobile phone connections by provider in Germany 2008-2018
Broadband connections: market share in Germany 2017
Phone connection share of Telekom competitors in Germany 2003-2016