Functional Foods Market

Interesting statistics from the category "Functional Foods Market"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Functional Foods Market industries. Find the most relevant Functional Foods Market statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

U.S consumer's efforts to eat healthy 2017
Functional and probiotic drinks: U.S. sales growth, 2016
Global revenue of the functional food market 2022
Sales growth of the leading multivitamin brands in the U.S., 2016
U.S. top multivitamin brands based on sales, 2016
Probiotic supplements: dollar sales growth United States, 2014-2020
Global sales in consumer healthcare by product 2014-2020
U.S. retail stores: sales of refrigerated juices and functional beverages 2016
U.S. category penetration of vitamins by type, 2018
U.S. retail stores: sales of shelf-stable functional beverages 2016
Probiotic supplement dollar sales United States, 2014-2020
Consumers who think healthy eating habits have changed U.S. 2016
Preferred beverages: factors consumers consider U.S. 2016
Global market size of nutraceuticals by category 2016
Consumers who aim to eat healthy U.S. 2016
Global market size of nutraceuticals 2017
U.S. sales vitamins & nutritional supplements 2000-2017
Sales of probiotic yogurts worldwide, 2014
U.S. beverage product launches featuring a functional claim 2016
Functional food: sales by region worldwide 2015-2024
U.S. top multivitamin vendors based on sales, 2016
Sales growth of the leading multivitamin vendors in the U.S., 2016
Probiotic supplements dollar sales United States by channel, 2015
Health benefits: consumer knowledge of food and nutrients U.S. 2017
U.S. consumer attitude healthy food products by category, 2016
U.S. share multivitamin sales by vendor 2016
Functional food: sales by product type worldwide 2015-2024
Value of the U.S. gummy vitamins market 2016-2025