
Interesting statistics from the category "Fintech"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Fintech industries. Find the most relevant Fintech statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Capital deployed in privateFintech firms by segment 2015
Leading Fintech deals globally 2014
Largest Fintech deals globally 2016
Familiarity with alternative financial services in the U.S. 2016
Number of Fintech exits by type 2014
Leading areas of bank spending on Fintech in the U.S. 2015
Leading Fintech locations worldwide 2014
Reaction of banks to Fintech companies 2015
Response of banks to Fintechs 2017
Fintech investment areas worldwide 2014
Value of global VC investment in Fintech by region 2014
Number of mobile payment users from 2009 to 2016, by region
Fintech investments worldwide 2014-2016
Capital deployed in privateFintech firms by business area 2015
Global investments in Fintech companies 2018
Leading Fintech deals in the financial software area globally 2014
Non-cash payments by country 2015
Value of global fintech financing by type 2016
Digital banking penetration in the U.S. 2016
UK fintech sector annual revenue 2014
Familiarity with Fintech in the U.S. 2016
Impact of Fintech on business worldwide 2016
U.S. consumer opinions on future financial innovations 2016
Fintech firms by revenue from financial services 2016
Leading Fintech deals in finance & banking globally 2014
Value of investment in Fintech by round 2014
Fintech and big-data employment by location 2014
Fintech firms by revenue from financial services 2015
Global P2P lending market 2025
Number of global VC investments in Fintech by region 2014
Familiarity with internet payment services U.S. 2016
Forecast of bank spending on new technologies by region 2017
Value of global fintech financing 2011-2016
Leading Fintech deals in the lending area globally 2014
Value of investments in U.S. Fintech companies 2018
Familiarity with stock trading apps U.S. 2016
Leading Fintech deals in the transfers area globally 2014
Leading Fintech deals in the Bitcoin area globally 2014
Fintech investment globally by country 2014
Number of global VC investments in Fintech 2014
Leading Fintech deals in the payments area globally 2014
Fintech investment globally by region 2014
Leading Fintech deals in the wealth management area globally 2014
Banking areas providing opportunity for Fintech 2016
Value of Fintech investments globally 2020
Value of global VC investment in Fintech 2014