
Scotland statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Scotland"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Scotland industries. Find the most relevant Scotland statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Scotland: ethnicity 2016
Scotland: religion 2016
Quarterly GDP of Scotland 2018
GVA of Mining and Quarrying in Scotland 2017
National Insurance (NI) contribution revenue Scotland 2008-2016
Total public sector expenditure in Scotland by sector 2016/2017
Scottish Standard Grade exam results, 2015/2016
Budget deficit in Scotland 2010 to 2017
Population of Scotland 1993-2017
GVA of agriculture, forestry and fishing in Scotland 2017
Scotland: crime rate by region 2017
Household Expenditure on education Scotland 2000-2016
Scotland: recorded crime breakdown 2017
Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Scotland 2015, by country
Scottish Higher exam pass rates 2006-2016
UK public services expenditure in Scotland 2017/2018
Income tax revenues in Scotland 2008-2016
Scotland: solved crimes 2005-2017
Household Expenditure on food Scotland 2000-2016
Scottish public revenue as a share of United Kingdom (UK ) revenue | 2016/2017
Household Expenditure on communication Scotland 2017
Household Expenditure on alcohol and tobacco in Scotland 2000-2016
Forecasted population of Scotland 2019-2039
Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Scotland by sector 2016
Scotland: recorded crime 2005-2017
GVA of Water supply and waste in Scotland 2017
Scottish Higher exam entries by subject 2016
Household expenditure on health Scotland 2000-2016
Trade union density in Scotland 1995-2017
Total public sector revenue in Scotland 2010-2017
Marriages in Scotland 2000-2016
Life expectancy in Scotland 2000-2016
Annual mean temperature Scotland 1995-2017
Household Expenditure on tourism in Scotland 2000-2016
GDP of Scotland 2000 to 2017
Scottish Higher exam results 2016
Scottish exports to the rest of the UK 2000-2016
Scotland's GDP per capita 2000-2017
Quarterly GDP per capita of Scotland 2014-2017
Female unemployment rate in Scotland 2015-2016
Household Expenditure on transport in Scotland 2000-2016
EAL learners in Scottish schools in 2017 by proficiency
Public sector expenditure in Scotland as percentage of UK expenditure | 2007-2017
Monthly maximum temperature Scotland 2014-2018
Monthly minimum temperature Scotland 2014-2018
Scottish net trade value from 2000 to 2016
Public sector revenue in Scotland as percentage of UK revenue | 2008-2017
Total public sector expenditure in Scotland 2010-2017
Total value of all Scottish imports 2000-2016
Birth rate in Scotland 2000-2016
GVA of Electricity and Gas Supply in Scotland 2017
Foreign languages spoken in schools in Scotland in 2017
GVA of Manufacturing in Scotland 2017
Emissions targets Scotland 2013-2027
Total Household Final Consumption Expenditure in Scotland 2000-2016
Greenhouse gas emissions Scotland 1998-2015
Youth unemployment rate (female) Scotland 2011-2017
Male unemployment rate in Scotland 2015-2017
Total public expenditure per capita Scotland 2010-2017
GVA of Service industry in Scotland 2017
GVA of Construction in Scotland 2017
Household Expenditure on clothing & footwear Scotland 2017
Household Expenditure on restaurants & hotels Scotland 2000-2016
Annual rainfall Scotland 1994-2017
Scottish imports from the rest of the UK 2000-2017
Quarterly net trade value in Scotland 2014-2016
Youth unemployment rate in Scotland 2012-2016
Youth unemployment rate (male) Scotland 2011-2017
Divorces in Scotland 2000-2016
Household Final Consumption Expenditure on housing in Scotland 2017
Unemployment rate in Scotland 2011-2017
Total value of all Scottish exports from 2000-2016
Household Expenditure on goods & services Scotland 2000-2016
Household Expenditure on recreation & culture in Scotland 2000-2016
Forecasted age of population of Scotland 2014-2039