Contactless payments and NFC in the Benelux

Contactless payments and NFC in the Benelux statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Contactless payments and NFC in the Benelux"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Contactless payments and NFC in the Benelux industries. Find the most relevant Contactless payments and NFC in the Benelux statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Luxembourg: total volume of debit card transactions 2006-2017
Views on contactless card usage United Kingdom 2016
Number of payment card transactions in Belgium 2009-2016
NFC secure elements shipments worldwide 2014-2018
Netherlands: frequency of contactless payment use 2017
Benelux: share of respondents who think they will use a mobile payment app by country 2016
Benelux: share of respondents who used a mobile payment app by country 2015-2016
Luxembourg: distribution of payment services in the total number of payments 2010-2016
Contactless payments users by age 2015-2016
Netherlands: contactless to total debit card transactions ratio 2016-2018
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands: share of total card payments in EU 2010-2016
Benelux: confidence about contactless payment security, by country 2015-2016
Netherlands: share of NFC payment revenue compared to total debit card revenue 2016-2018
Luxembourg: total revenue from ATM withdrawals, using resident bank debit and credit cards 2006-2017
Belgium: value of card payments with domestic cards 2007-2016
Luxembourg: opinion of CEOs on FinTech possibilities in the financial sector 2016
Netherlands: total revenue of NFC payments 2016-2018
Global proximity mobile payment transaction users 2021
Netherlands: relative use of contactless payments, by age group 2015-2016
Belgium: leading payment methods for online shopping 2016-2017
Netherlands: total registered NFC payments 2016-2018
Cash vs non-cash payments by region 2015
Luxembourg: distribution of contactless payments, by transaction amount 2016
Total number of payment cards in Luxembourg 2009-2016
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands: total card payments 2010-2016
Netherlands: consumer familiarity with implementation of Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) in 2017
NFC-ready POS and m-POS terminals worldwide 2016
Netherlands: contactless payment market share in supermarkets 2015-2017
Luxembourg: leading opinions on impact of FinTech on financial sector 2016
Belgium: distribution of payment services in the total number of payments 2010-2016
Luxembourg: leading corporate strategies of financial sector with FinTechs 2016
Number of POS terminals in Belgium 2009-2016
Netherlands: distribution of contactless payments, by transaction amount 2015-2016
Benelux: current and expected FinTech partnerships of financial institutions, by country 2017
Number of POS terminals in the Netherlands 2009-2016
Belgium: number of digital payment transactions 2014-2016