Internet industry in Europe

Interesting statistics from the category "Internet industry in Europe"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Internet industry in Europe industries. Find the most relevant Internet industry in Europe statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Digital Market Outlook: UK e-publishing revenue growth by format 2021
Digital Market Outlook: UK eServices usage penetration 2020
StumbleUpon: social network market share UK 2015-2018
Reddit: social network market share UK 2015-2018
Digital Market Outlook: UK e-publishing user penetration by format 2022
Media & entertainment companies: digital sales share by sector UK 2016
Internet share of UK retail sales monthly 2014-2018
Digital Market Outlook: UK eServices users 2022
UK entertainment sales by format 2011-2017
Consumption of paid digital content by type UK 2018
Digital Market Outlook: UK e-publishing ARPU by format 2022
Digital video game sales in the UK 2011-2017
Paid and free digital content consumed by type UK 2018
Digital Market Outlook: UK eServices event tickets revenue by segment 2022
Online magazine & app usage UK 2016
B2B and B2C e-commerce sales by business size UK 2016
UK digital entertainment sales by sector 2011-2017
Twitter's market share in the UK 2015-2018
UK online ad spend by format 2010-2017
Digital newspapers: reading frequency in the UK 2017
Digital Market Outlook: UK eServices revenue by category 2022
Entertainment retail revenue by sales channel UK 2017
Leading digital content services ranked by usage UK 2018
Most visible flight booking sites in natural searches UK 2016
Digital magazines: reading frequency in the UK 2017
Digital advertising spending UK 2008-2017
Digital Market Outlook: UK eServices mobility tickets & services revenue 2022
Most visible hotel websites in natural searches UK 2016
Digital Market Outlook: UK online travel booking revenue 2022
Most popular online goods Great Britain 2017
Digital Market Outlook: UK eServices ARPU 2020
Online video advertising spending UK 2008-2017
Digital book sales revenue in the UK 2008-2017
Digital travel bookers in the United Kingdom 2011-2017
Digital Market Outlook: UK eServices revenue 2022
Pinterest: social media market share UK 2015-2018
Digital book sales by category in the UK 2009-2017
Digital Market Outlook: UK eServices event tickets revenue 2022
Most googled online dating keywords UK 2016
Top online music services used in the UK 2018
Paying for digital news in the UK 2012-2017
Digital Market Outlook: UK e-publishing revenue 2022
Digital book sales revenue by format UK 2009-2017
LinkedIn: social network market share UK 2015-2018
Social network user penetration in the UK 2015-2019
Digital advertising formats ranked by spending UK 2017
UK: main video streaming online services by reach 2016
UK: social media penetration 2018
Facebook's market share in the UK 2015-2018
UK digital publisher revenue growth by format 2017
Digital channels: share of revenue in Great Britain 2015 & 2020
Digital Market Outlook: UK eServices mobility tickets & services revenue by segment 2022
UK internet retail sales: average weekly value 2013-2018
Reasons for subscribing to paid music services UK 2016
Reach of social networking sites in Great Britain 2014-2017
Magazine audience size by platform 2017
Digital Market Outlook: UK digital music revenue by format 2022
Awareness of digital content services UK 2018
Digital travel researchers in the United Kingdom 2011-2017
Distribution of digital content consumed by type UK 2018
Digital advertising spend by format UK 2008-2017
Digital music industry revenue UK 2009-2016
Digital share of music industry revenue UK 2009-2016
Online TV revenues by source UK 2009-2015