Health insurance in the Netherlands

Interesting statistics from the category "Health insurance in the Netherlands"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Health insurance in the Netherlands industries. Find the most relevant Health insurance in the Netherlands statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Netherlands: average costs dental care per person under the Dutch Health Insurance Act (Zvw) 2009-2015
Netherlands: total number of defaulters on health insurance, by age 2010-2016
Netherlands: share of individuals who switched health insurance companies, by type of insurance 2011-2017
Benelux: average health insurance premium per capita 2015
Netherlands: monthly premium of basic health insurance, by brand and policy 2018
Netherlands: value of accident and health insurance 2025
Netherlands: total health expenditure as share of GDP 1998-2017
Netherlands: nominal health insurance premium change, by type of change 2012-2015
Netherlands: solvability of the five largest health insurance companies, according to Solvency II 2015-2016
Netherlands: Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) on health insurance market, by province 2013-2017
Netherlands: number of payment arrears under the Dutch Health Insurance Act, by age 2016
Netherlands: share of individuals per chosen voluntary excess under the Dutch Health Insurance Act (Zvw) 2010-2017
Netherlands: leading health insurance companies based on revenue 2015
Netherlands: average nominal annual premium basic insurance per person under the Dutch Health Insurance Act (Zvw) 2007-2018
Netherlands: forecast of the government expenses on the Dutch Long-term Care Act (Wlz) 2014-2019
Netherlands: average hospital costs per person under the Dutch Health Insurance Act (Zvw) 2009-2015
Netherlands: national health expenditure 2006-2016
Netherlands: gross government expenses on the Dutch Health Insurance Act (Zvw), by type of healthcare 2016-2018
Netherlands: average reimbursed medical expenses by additional insurances per person, by type of expense 2006-2016
Netherlands: health insurance payment arrears, by duration 2014-2016
Netherlands: health expenditure per capita 2007-2017
Netherlands: advertising costs of health insurers, by company 2017
Netherlands: price advantage of group health insurances, by type of group 2011-2017
Netherlands: percentage of health insurance switching 2015-2018
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands: total direct premiums written by health insurance companies on the domestic market 2004-2016
Netherlands: average costs dental care per person under the Dutch Health Insurance Act (Zvw), by age 2009-2015
Netherlands: total number of part-time and full-time jobs in the insurance sector, by job type 2010-2017
Netherlands: solvability of the five largest health insurance companies, according to Solvency I 2014-2015
Netherlands: health costs paid for Dutch individuals living abroad to foreign insurance companies 2012-2016
Netherlands: total costs paid for cross-border healthcare under the Dutch Health Insurance Act (Zvw) 2009-2015
Netherlands: market share of health insurance concerns 2007-2018
Netherlands: average premium discount per chosen voluntary excess under the Dutch Health Insurance Act 2013-2017
Netherlands: share of individuals with or without voluntary excess under the Dutch Health Insurance Act 2012-2017
Netherlands: price difference of group health insurances compared to individual insurances 2011-2017
Netherlands: average pharmacy costs per person under the Dutch Health Insurance Act (Zvw) 2009-2015
Netherlands: average age of insured with or without voluntary excess under the Dutch Health Insurance Act (Zvw) 2010-2015
Netherlands: gross government expenses on the Dutch Health Insurance Act (Zvw) 2008-2018
Netherlands: number of individuals without health insurance 2011-2015
Netherlands: total mandatory excess under the Dutch Health Insurance Act (Zvw) 2008-2018
Netherlands: average healthcare costs per person under the Dutch Health Insurance Act (Zvw) 2009-2015