Sports on TV

Interesting statistics from the category "Sports on TV"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Sports on TV industries. Find the most relevant Sports on TV statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

NFL regular season TV ad spend 2016
Sports ad revenue - U.S. national TV 2016
Sports viewed on non-TV platforms by age group in the U.S. 2017
Super Bowl viewers in the U.S. 2017
Average US TV viewership selected MLB games 2017
Viewership of sport videos by league in the U.S. 2021
NFL football TV viewing time in the U.S. 2017
Priciest shows for advertisers on broadcast TV in the U.S. 2017
NHL Stanley Cup games average TV viewership 2008-2018
Rio 2016: commercial load time in the U.S.
Major sporting events national TV ad revenue in the U.S. 2017
TV ad spend during post-season sports 2017
Rio 2016: share in national TV ad spend in the U.S.
Number of MLS TV viewers in the U.S 2015
NHL Stanley Cup games average TV ratings 2006-2018
Viewers of the Summer Olympics opening ceremony in the U.S. 2016
Most shared Super Bowl ads 2017
Major golf tournaments US TV viewership 2016
NFL US consumer interest by age 2017
Main source of sports news worldwide 2016
College football viewership figures 2018
Summer Olympics national TV ad spend in the U.S. 2016
TV ratings for The Masters in the U.S. 2018
NHL games average TV viewership in the US 2017
Highest paid sports commentators worldwide 2016
Rio Paralympics 2016: daily viewership figures
Broadcasting fees of U.S. sports leagues 2017
NFL television broadcasting rights value 1983-2021
NBA finals: cost of a TV commercial 2015
Age breakdown of TV audiences for pro sports 2017
US TV viewership selected NBA games 2017
Average TV viewership selected soccer games 2016
Length of sports TV broadcasting in the U.S. 2017
NBA Finals average US TV viewership 2002-2018
Rio 2016: number of U.S. TV viewers
Largest TV advertisers in U.S. sports TV 2015
Major sports events watched on TV in US 2017
Collective time spent viewing sports TV in U.S. 2015
NBA Finals TV ratings 2002-2018
Female viewership of NFL in the U.S. 2015
World Series average TV viewership U.S. 2000-2017
Sports viewed on selected devices by age group in the U.S. 2017
Most watched sporting events in the U.S. 2017
U.S. Open Women's Final viewership 2017
Most shared Olympics ads of all time
U.S. sports fans: pay TV behavior 2016
NFL US consumer interest by gender 2017
TV ad impressions during NBA season finals by company 2016
Level of excitement @ World Cup ads 2017
Rio 2016: daily viewership figures
U.S. major sports: average attendance 2016-2018
Largest TV NBA advertisers 2015-2016
Opinion on ads in sports in the U.S. 2016
NFL viewership figures 2017-18
Number of CONCACAF Hexagonal viewers in the U.S. 2017
Listeners of most popular sports radio stations in the U.S. 2017
Live soccer programming in the U.S. by network 2015
Largest sports league TV contracts worldwide 2016
Baseball World Series U.S. TV ratings 2000-2017
TV ratings of the Summer Olympics opening ceremony 2016
Most valuable sports networks in the U.S. 2015
NASCAR average TV audience in the US 2016
Most identifiable official sponsors of FIFA World Cup in U.S. 2014
Number of sports watched among sports viewers in the U.S. 2017
NBA post-season: National TV ad spend 2017
Super Bowl ads: public opinion 2008-2018
Women's World Cup viewership in the U.S. 2015
March Madness NCAA basketball TV viewership 2017