Food Waste

Interesting statistics from the category "Food Waste"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Food Waste industries. Find the most relevant Food Waste statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Share of food loss/waste globally by food type 2015
U.S. emergency kitchen and food pantry usage share by household food security status 2017
Distribution of consumed and wasted fresh chicken in the U.S. 2016
U.S. food waste annually by disposal facility type 2015
U.S. food waste reductions' potential business profits by solution 2015
Volumes food wastage selected categories by type U.S., 2015
U.S. food secure and food insecure individuals distribution 2017
Share of food loss/waste in North America and Oceania by food type 2015
Global share of wasted food types 2015
U.S. food waste prevention GHG mitigation potential by solution 2015
U.S. food pantry and emergency kitchen use by household food security status 2017
Consumer and retail food waste share by category 2015
U.S. food waste prevention's water conservation potential by solution 2015
Global agricultural food waste GHG emissions by region 2015
Global postharvest/processing/distribution food waste GHG emissions by region 2015
Food waste weight in the U.S. by facility 2015
Distribution of consumed and wasted bread in the U.S. 2016
U.S. food waste prevention's potential job creation by solution 2015
U.S. food secure and food insecure individuals number 2017
U.S. food waste reduction financing needs by type 2025
Global consumer food waste GHG emissions by region 2015
Share of wasted groceries among U.S. states 2016
Opinions on food waste among U.S. adults 2016
Food waste value in the U.S. by facility 2015
Share of wasted restaurant meals among U.S. states 2016
Percentage of groceries and meals wasted by demographic U.S. 2016