IT Outsourcing Industry

Interesting statistics from the category "IT Outsourcing Industry"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the IT Outsourcing Industry industries. Find the most relevant IT Outsourcing Industry statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Private cloud service usage worldwide 2017-2018
Impact of automation and AI on IT/BPO low-skilled service workers, by country, 2016-2022
IT functions outsourced globally 2017
Hosted/cloud application use in 2016 and 2017
Job impact on contractors and outsourcers due to AI in organizations 2017
Global cloud platform market vendor share 2015-2016
Impact of automation and AI on IT/BPO service workers by country 2016-2022
Global spending on IT outsourcing hardware maintenance by segment 2013-2017
Public cloud application infrastructure services (PaaS) market worldwide 2015-2021
Public cloud services IaaS vendor revenues worldwide 2015-2017
Global spending on IT products & services by category 2014-2018
Top IT service provider selection criteria worldwide 2017
Impact of automation and AI on IT/BPO service worker numbers 2016-2022
IT services spending forecast 2008-2019
Automation's potential impact on BPO market worldwide 2026
Infrastructure services spending worldwide 2015-2026
Cloud Infrastructure as a Service market size worldwide 2010-2020
Global planned outsourcing and offshoring spending increases 2005-2018
Top public cloud SaaS market vendor share worldwide 2017
Public cloud computing: market size 2009-2021
Tech outsourcing and hardware maintenance global spending 2017
Public cloud application services (SaaS) market size worldwide 2015-2021
IaaS and SaaS quarterly market revenue worldwide 2018
Global BPO cost component by type 2017
U.S. mid-market challenges in adopting cloud 2017
Global artificial intelligence and process automation spending 2021
Criteria for businesses selecting outsourcing providers worldwide 2015