B2B marketing

Interesting statistics from the category "B2B marketing"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the B2B marketing industries. Find the most relevant B2B marketing statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Content types used for marketing worldwide 2016
U.S. B2B and B2C marketing channels driving revenue 2015
Revenue of B2B media industry in the U.S. 2016
B2B media, business and company information market size by segment 2020
Main reasons for using marketing automation 2017
U.S. B2B marketing mobile website adoption 2016
Paid methods used in B2B content marketing promotion North America 2016
B2B marketing budgets change in North America 2017
Social media platforms used by B2B and B2C marketers worldwide 2018
Top U.S. B2B customer marketing metrics 2016
Attributes of effective B2B content 2015
Top mar tech companies by revenue 2016
U.S. B2B e-commerce volume 2016
Departments in charge of B2B content marketing in North America 2017
B2B lead gen most effective tactics 2017
Share of B2B companies with in-house marketing 2018
U.S. B2B marketing technology tactics adoption level 2016
Share of B2B revenues reinvested in marketing 2017
Effectiveness of B2B content marketing tactics in North America 2015
B2B customer focused marketing influence on leads 2016
Revenue of B2B media industry in the U.S. by source 2016
B2B e-mail marketing tactics 2015
B2B tradeshow marketing tactics 2015
U.S. B2B marketing priorities 2016
Share of B2B companies with a marketing strategy 2018
B2B content marketing challenges in North America 2015
U.S. B2B marketing technology tactics effectiveness 2016
Top B2B marketing services companies by revenue 2016
Use of content marketing among B2B marketers in North America 2017
Top B2B media and business information companies by revenue 2016
Share of digital in B2B marketing spending in the U.S. 2016
Organizational goals for B2B content marketing in North America 2016