Digital coupons and deals

Interesting statistics from the category "Digital coupons and deals"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Digital coupons and deals industries. Find the most relevant Digital coupons and deals statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

U.S. users who use digital coupons 2021
Groupon: North American revenue 2017
Groupon: quarterly income/loss 2018
Satisfaction with loyalty program offer types in the U.S. 2016
U.S. retail app usage reasons 2017
U.S. adult digital coupon users 2021
Groupon: TTM gross billings per customer 2017
U.S. online coupon usage frequency for fashion purchases 2016
Groupon: share of mobile transactions 2018
Groupon: active customers 2018
U.S. online coupon usage frequency for FMCG purchases 2016
U.S. coupons sites mobile visits share 2017
Groupon: quarterly revenue 2018
U.S. online coupon usage frequency for food delivery 2016
U.S. coupon important online purchases 2018
U.S. online coupon usage frequency for media purchases 2016
U.S. online coupon usage frequency for food purchases 2016
U.S. online coupon usage frequency for vacation trip bookings 2016
Interest in loyalty program offer types in the U.S. 2016
Internet users worldwide who would promote a brand 2017
U.S. online coupon usage frequency for leisure activities 2016
U.S. m-commerce shopping app features 2017
Groupon mobile app downloads 2018
U.S. online coupon usage frequency for furniture purchases 2016
U.S. online coupon usage frequency for health & wellness purchases 2016
U.S. online coupon usage frequency for electronics purchases 2016
U.S. Millennial digital & in-store coupon usage frequency 2017
Interest in sharing loyalty program offers in the U.S. by platform 2016
Mobile coupon users in the United States 2013-2016
U.S. online coupon usage frequency for appliance purchases 2016